Update from the Profile Committee

Over the next month we will be having multiple “Conversations at St. Margaret’s: a call to our future” gatherings hosted here at St. Margaret’s and in people‘s homes on various dates and times.  There are signup sheets in the Narthex and we would ask that you pick a date and signup to join us at one of our “Conversation” gatherings.  We’re looking for your input on where we are today as a parish, what makes St. Margaret’s special, what your hopes and dreams are for where we want to be in the future and what we are seeking in a new Rector.  We expect that these “Conversations” will take about an hour.  Please take this opportunity to let your opinions be known.
Conversations at St. Margaret’s as of 10/20/2019    
3-Nov Sunday at 8:15 AM in Bristol Hall – Attendees of 7:15 am service
6-Nov Wednesday at 6:00 PM at the Grass/Johnson home – South-end residents
10-Nov Sunday at 10:00 AM in room 4 or 5 – Attendees of 8:45 am service
10-Nov Sunday at 12:30 PM in room 4 or 5 -Attendees of 11 am service
11-Nov Monday at 6:00 PM at the Treusch’s home – North-end residents
17-Nov Sunday at 12:15 PM in Room TBD
Sign up today!