A Welcoming Place to Worship

Worship and Hospitality are vitally important to us. When you feel welcomed and at ease, you naturally open to an opportunity for greater depth and connection in your Worship experience.

Ways to Welcome

A handshake, a hug; the welcome we receive can change our lives. We never take for granted any individual walking through our doors and treat them as brothers and sisters in Christ. Greeters offer a friendly hello at the door.

Coffee or Tea?
We live in the coffee capital of the United States, so of course we have coffee; leaded and unleaded for those who need an adrenal break! But if you like to be a little different, we have tea too! And for the sweet tooth that may get the better of you, we have a little something for you there as well! As a way to share your gift of hospitality, you are welcome to join the Coffee Fellowship Team.  Team members serve about once per month to set-up the coffee service or serve and clean up.  Schedules are flexible and easy training is provided at your convenience.

Ushering at Saint Margaret’s, while not overly difficult, is an extremely important ministry that is available to everyone. Welcoming everyone, offering a bulletin, and helping parishioners find a seat. A person usually is scheduled to serve just once a month. Joining the Usher Ministry Team is a wonderful way to meet members of our congregation.

Welcome Center
During any service, a Welcome Center volunteer can be found at the desk in the narthex.  As a welcoming presence, we connect people with information about church resources.  Most importantly, we affirm the value of each person entering the church building – whether a first-time visitor or a long-active member.