Ways to Particpate in Worship

During service, Acolytes serve as torchbearers, lighters of candles, crucifers, and banner-bearers.  It is a necessary and special role during our service. ALL ages are welcome to be acolytes.

Altar Guild
The Altar Guild ministry is to care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the parish. Altar Guild members prepare the sanctuary for services and clean up afterward. Altar Guild members frequently supervise the decoration of the sanctuary of the parish with flowers.

Eucharist Bread Bakers
If you enjoy baking bread and are looking for a meaningful and fulfilling way to contribute to Saint Margaret’s, consider becoming one of our bread bakers. 

Worship Leaders & Chalice Bearers
A Worship Leader is a layperson who regularly leads public worship under the direction of a Member of the Clergy or other leader exercising oversight of the congregation or other community of faith. A Worship Leader may publicly and regularly lead the Daily Offices of Morning Prayer, Order of Service for Noonday, Evening Prayer, and Compline. A Worship Leader may also lead other occasional services provided in The Book of Common Prayer. Those considering becoming a Worship Leader should confer with our Pastoral Team to help define your calling.

A Lector is a layperson trained in reading scripture who is appointed by the clergy person in charge of the congregation to read lessons or lead the prayers of the people. The term is from the Latin, “to read.” There is no license required for this lay ministry. A lector may also be known as a reader. 

Ushering at Saint Margaret’s, while not overly difficult, is an extremely important ministry that is available to everyone. Welcoming everyone, offering a Bulletin and Sunday Paper, and helping parishioners find a seat. A person usually is scheduled to serve just once a month and by joining the Usher Ministry Team is a wonderful way to meet members of our congregation.

Lay Preachers
This ministry is licensed under the provisions of the canon for licensed laypersons. The lay preacher must be a confirmed adult communicant in good standing and recommended by the member of the clergy in charge of the congregation. A Lay Preacher is to preach upon the initiative and under the supervision of the member of the clergy in charge. Those considering becoming a Worship Leader should confer with our Pastoral Team to help define your calling.

Prayer of the People Writers
The “Prayers of the People” is a liturgical structure for intercessory prayers in worship. If you feel you are called to write for our Prayers of the People, contact our Pastoral Team! We welcome you!

If you are drawn to participate in our Worship Ministry, we invite you to click on the description you’re most called to and email us for more information!