
4228 Factoria Blvd SE, Bellevue, WA 98006
(425) 746-6650

From Seattle (or I-90 Eastbound):

  • Take I-90 Eastbound
  • Turn right at Exit 10B (Richards Road)
  • Turn right at the end of the exit onto Factoria Blvd.
  • Continue on Factoria Blvd for ¾ mile
  • St. Margaret’s is on the left at the top of the hill.

From I-90 Westbound:

  • Exit I-90 at Exit 10 onto I-405 Southbound.
  • From I-405, exit onto Coal Creek Pkwy.
  • Turn left at the end of the exit.
  • Continue on Coal Creek Pkwy for 3/10ths of a mile.
  • Turn left onto Factoria Blvd.
  • St. Margaret’s is on the Northeast corner of Newport Way and Factoria Blvd.
  • Enter from Newport Way or Factoria Blvd.

From I-405 (Northbound or Southbound):

  • Exit I-405 at Exit 10.
  • Turn East at the end of the exit (left from Southbound 405, right from Northbound 405).
  • Continue straight for about 3/10ths of a mile.
  • Turn left onto Factoria Blvd.
  • St. Margaret’s is on the Northeast corner of Newport Way and Factoria Blvd.
  • Enter from Newport Way or Factoria Blvd.


Worship With Us

Sundays at 8:45 am
Contemporary Music
Sojourners Praise Band

11:00 am Traditional Music
St Margaret's Choir