Prayer is the Key to Heaven but Faith Unlocks the Door

“Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed.”James 5:16

Prayer is at the heart of who we are and all that we do at St. Margaret’s.

If you desire prayer for yourself or others, please contact one of the following prayer groups directly.

  • Eucharistic Visitors take communion to those who are homebound or hospitalized, following worship on Sunday mornings.
  • Healing Prayer Ministry assists the clergy in anointing and praying for individuals desiring companionship in prayer both during and after worship. In-depth healing prayer that takes place over the course of several sessions is also available.
  • Intensive Prayer Team prays for concerns of a crisis or emergency nature over a three-day period.
  • Intercessory Prayers offer intentional daily prayer on behalf of St. Margaret’s, the community at large, and the world..
  • Prayer Notebook Coordinator keeps a prayer notebook containing the “Prayers of the People” up-to-date. Feel free to add your intercessions and thanksgivings at any time.  The notebook is located just inside the right-hand entry to the worship space.
  • Sacred Silent Prayer offers the opportunity to read scripture and participate in silent prayer of a variety of prayer practices. This group meets in the sanctuary at noon each Monday.
  • Join us for Compline on Zoom each weekday evening (Monday through Friday) at 8 pm.

Please contact our Pastoral Care Team for more information about these and other ministries of prayer.