Facilities Rental

“For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen.” – Romans 11:36

St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church has a commitment to welcome individuals and groups to our physical facility as well as our worship services. Our facilities are an important resource for the life of our parish as well as our community. In opening our doors to others, we desire to connect with the community around us and to be a vital presence.

We want to share our beautiful facility with people in our community, offering a safe and comfortable environment for people. Whether you are looking for a place to gather for a meeting or a special event, our rooms are bright and inviting. We offer our facility for activities that have a natural relationship to the core values of the Church and promote the well-being of our community.

We have provided several links below that will inform and assist you in making a request for use of our spaces. The links provide you with a complete listing of our available spaces for rent depending on your organizations status. Our Guidelines for Facility Rentals is a comprehensive booklet designed to answer your questions about the details of renting space from us.

Not all elements fit all requests. So look for what applies to your situation. In general, meetings that require no special set up or cleanup are the easiest to schedule and the least costly.  Events that include food, alcohol and special equipment are more complicated requiring additional cost.

We are interested in helping you have a good experience in our facility and will help you in any way we can. In addition to the listed rooms, our Sanctuary can be available for select Musical Events and presentations determined by approval.  If you or a group you belong to has interest in renting any of our spaces you may also contact us at rentals@saintmargarets.org.

The following links will inform and assist you in making a request for use of our space:

Questions? Please contact rentals@saintmargarets.org

If you are feeling called to learn more about, or participate in ministry aimed to support Saint Margaret’s facilities, read on and respond as you’re called.

Saints and Angels Ministry

Is a vital ministry attached to the Facilities committee of Saint Margaret’s.  Our facility was built so that we might offer our facility for use and meeting of both diocesan members as well as the larger community of which we are part.   Saint Margaret’s is a very busy place open to use well into the evenings throughout the week and into the weekends.   We treasure our church and its use which requires our care in protecting our investment.  The ministry seeks members who will help in taking ownership for our facility by assisting in making sure that the building and grounds are secure when not in use.  We do this by maintaining Building Security Lock-up Shifts.  The commitment requires about 15 minutes of time once a week. If you can help, currently you can contact Mike Knowles at stsangels@saintmargarets.org