Adult Education

“For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”Proverbs 2:6

Sunday Morning Adult Education

On Sundays during the school year, we offer classes at “the 10:10” in Bristol Hall.  Programs focus on different aspects of study: books of the Bible, Biblical themes, particular aspects of Christian theology and spirituality, and examining what it means to live faithfully as a Christian. Watch for updates about the latest offerings.

Growing in Spirit and Learning

Saint Margaret’s recognizes the need at any age to feed the mind as well as the soul with good teaching and to provide an opportunity for deepening our relationship with God.

Other Opportunities for Adult Spiritual Formation

Come And See…Cursillo: (Kur-see-yo) is a very special opportunity for spiritual growth and renewal. It is a three-day retreat that focuses on Christian renewal. Cursillo in Christianity is a Movement which, by its own Method, attempts from within the Church, to give life to the essential Christian truths in the singularity, originality, and creativity of the person. In discovering their potential and accepting their limitations, they will direct their freedom with their conviction, reinforce their will with decisiveness and direct their friendship with the virtue of constancy in their day-to-day life, personally and with others.

Confirmation Class: The curriculum “Confirm not Conform” expresses a strong Anglican ethos, as it explores the Three Pronged Stool Scripture, Tradition, and Reason, as well as what it means to be both a Christian and an Episcopalian. The class prepares individuals to make a public affirmation of their faith in the rite of confirmation, at which time they receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a Bishop.

Education for Ministry runs September through June and is a unique four-year certificate program in theological education.  EfM is an enrichment of your faith,  an active pursuit to deepen your own personal relationship with God. This small group of adults comes together weekly to study scripture, explore ideas and history, and talk through questions about God and faith. Learning in this small group community, and in this format, sharing ideas without judgment creates a safe and profound environment to explore teachings and our own unique understanding of God. You can take all four years or just one. Whatever works for your schedule. For more information, click here.

Lenten Meditations are an opportunity for congregation members to reflect on Scripture through writing or photography.

Small Group Ministry: Being part of a small group is an opportunity for in-depth fellowship and friendship, as well as a place to study, pray, serve, bear burdens, celebrate victories, and give and receive inspiration. At St. Margaret’s you will be matched with a group that is tailored to your interests where you can develop deep relationships with others.

Spiritual Direction or Companionship: inspires people to experience authenticity in their lives as they connect with and explore the ground of all being, that deepest of truths which is beyond life and death and goes by many names, including God, and no name at all.

Study Programs are offered seasonally, especially in the fall and during Lent, on topics that range from Christian theology to spiritual growth.

Women’s Retreat is an annual retreat for women held at St. Andrew’s House, Union, WA.  This time of fellowship, refreshment, and spiritual renewal is open to all. St. Andrew’s House is a perfect retreat location with beautiful views of Hood Canal, gourmet meals, hiking trails, a walking labyrinth, a quick walk into the quaint town of Union, or simply take a nap or curl up with your favorite book during personal rest time. Retreats are usually scheduled in the fall. Be sure to email for current dates!