How We Care For Each Other

“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” – John 15:12

Pastoral Care for Spiritual Nourishment and Caring Support

As Christians we are called to love one another by caring for those who are lost, suffering, or new to the fold. The people of St. Margaret’s extend their talents and time serving in the following ministries:

  • Stephen Ministers meet one on one with those experiencing life challenges, such as the death of a loved one, divorce, or job loss, to provide Christ-centered and confidential support. Contact a Stephen Minister.
  • TLC Assistance extends tender loving care to families and individuals in times of need or crisis in the form of meals, transportation, errands, and check-in calls. Contact the TLC team.
  • Prayer Ministries are the heart of St. Margaret’s pastoral care. Choose a prayer group to request prayer for yourself or others.
  • Spiritual Direction and Companionship pairs you with someone to be a holy listener in your life, discussing your relationship with God, and helping you develop tools and methods of prayer to grow deeper in faith and self knowledge.
  • GriefShare supports those who are struggling with the death of a loved one in a small group setting through a series of educational and inspirational videos and discussions.
  • Memorial Receptions provide memorial receptions for a deceased loved one’s family and friends. A dedicated and caring team transforms Bristol Hall into a beautiful reception room, complete with delicious food and beverages.

Contact the Pastoral Care team for more information.